Broadening of Choir Loft.

St.Mary’s CathedralChoir The Sound of Choral Selection… St.Mary’s Indian Orthodox Cathedralchoiris in search of talented parish members above the age of 10 to be a part of the Cathedral Choir. Applications for the selection isavailable with the Cathedral Office or choir co-ordinator Mr. Saji T Samuel (Cell # 39956534). The...

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St. Mary’s Cathedral Choir

Sing unto Jehovah,O ye righteous, for His praise is comely for the upright. Confess ye to Jehovah on the harp, sing unto Him with the psaltery, an instrument of ten strings. Sing unto Him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise; for the Word of Jehovah is right,...

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MGOCSM Officials – 2011

M.G.O.C.S.M Office Bearers for the year 2011 Designation Name President Fr.Jacob Koshy Secretary Beaulah Eappen Joint Secretary Sheryl Sajan Trustee Jithin Monachan Joint Trustee Jacob Wincent Committe Members Jincy Elvin Varghese Reeja Reji Gigin George Skariah Linoy Alexander Megha Benny

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Talk on sanctity of Marriages

Talk on sanctity of Marriages Dear Brothers and Sisters, Marriage in our modern world has been seriously weakened by social trends that undermine the very principles this sacred institution is built upon. The implications of variety of unethical developments and practices have served to threaten the sanctity of marriage and...

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