Senior Citizens Forum

Senior Citizens Forum is a forum for those aged 60 and above. Forum seeks to strengthen, encourage, empower, and nurture the senior members of the Malanakara Orthodox Church. Additionally, it endeavors to promote fellowship and well-being among its members, fostering a sense of camaraderie and support within the community
The members of the forum meet to deliberate on charity works and social services, fellowship and Bible study, intercessory prayer and sharing experiences. They extend their help for various services of the Parish. The forum requests all the Senior citizens to take active participation in all the activities. The forum aims at the spiritual unity of the senior members in the Church and helps in streamline the reading habits of the seniors of the church.
Motto : Love, Care & Help
Eligibility : All members of church (both men & women) who are 60 years old & above
Senior Citizens Forum unit of the cathedral meets monthly on last Wednesday after Holy Qurbana.
Senior Citizens Forum Executive Committee Members

Rev. Fr. Jacob Thomas
(Mob: 39445358)
Vicar & President

Rev. Fr. Thomaskutty P N
(Mob: 39584020)
Asst. Vicar & Vice President

Mr. Rajan Abraham
Lay Vice President

Mr. Saji Philip
(Mob: 39790027)

Mr. K.G. Baburajan

Mr. Abraham George
Joint Secretary

Mr. Varghese Mathew
Committee Member

Mr. Koshy Philip
Committee Member

Mr. Vincent Thomas
Committee Member

Mrs. Lally Varghese
Committee Member

Mr. Joseph Cheenikala Chacko