Legal Awareness Seminar Held on 8th May 2011

A seminar on legal awareness was held on 8th May at St Marys Indian Orthodox Cathedral organized by St. Thomas Orthodox Youth Movement. One of the leading and senior advocates in the kingdom, Mr. V K Thomas was the main speaker in the seminar. The seminar dealt with the labor...

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St Thomas Orthodox Youth Movement – 2011

St Thomas Orthodox Youth Movement Office Bearers for the year 2011 Designation Name Telephone President Rev. Fr. Jacob Koshy 39445358 Vice President Anu T. Koshy 39097099 Secretary Binu Pappachan 39198193 Treasurer Renji Rajan 36910901 J.Secretary Manoj Varghese 39411861 J.Secretary Rini Moncy 39065261 Ex.Officio Biju Thankachan 39735362 Internal Auditor Sumesh G....

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St Paul’s Suvisesha Sangam – 2011 Official

St Paul’s Suvisesha Sangam Office Bearers for the year 2011 Designation Name Telephone President Rev. Fr. Jacob Koshy 39445358 Vice President P.V.Paul 39640594 Secretary Mathew Thomas (James) 39801450 Treasurer Mathew A.P. 36560628 J.Secretary Ammini Joy 36901875 Ex.Officio Varghese K.E 36807890 Members M. M. Thomas 39891588 Saji Philip 39790027 Gracy Perumal...

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