Martha Mariam Samajam Officials 2013

Martha Mariam Samajam Officials Office Bearers for the year 2013 Designation Name Telephone Email President Rev. Fr. Jacob Koshy 39445358 Vice President Mrs. Ammini Joy 33715509 Secretary Mrs. Rachel Leny 39393646 J.Secretary Mrs. Reena Biju Treasurer Mrs. Jaya Johnson 33747049 Ex.offico Mrs. Jolly peter 39099136 Committe Members...

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Glimpses of the Catholicate Centenary Year 2012 New Year 2012 was welcomed with the celebration of mid-night Holy Qurbana by H.G Dr. Mathews Mar Thimothios Metropolitan, which was followed by the handing/taking over ceremony of the Office Bearers. Our Cathedral won the first prize in Procession Competition and third prize...

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Lent & Retreat

3 Days Lent and Retreat- Led by Rev.Fr. Dr.Gee Varghese.21st & 22nd Jan 2013 from 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm.Meditation on 22nd Jan 2013 from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm.Holy Qurbana on 23rd Jan 2013 followed by nercha.

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