SABRO – Rays of Hope – Saturday 20th July 2019

Dear All, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for what he has done”. – Philippians 4:6 “ഒന്നിനെക്കുറിച്ചും വിചാരപ്പെടരുതു; എല്ലാറ്റിലും പ്രാര്ത്ഥനയാലും അപേക്ഷയാലും നിങ്ങളുടെ ആവശ്യങ്ങള് സ്തോത്രത്തോടുകൂടെ ദൈവത്തോടു അറിയിക്കയത്രേ വേണ്ടതു”. – ഫിലിപ്പിയർ 4:6 Every third Saturday of the month at St. Mary’s Indian Orthodox Cathedral, we want...
Funeral Service of Late Mr. Koshy George Eapen

Dear All, With deep sorrow we inform you that our American Mission Area Member, Mr. Koshy George Eapen (Roll no.1662) was taken to heavenly abode on 12 July 2019. The mortal remains will be brought to the Cathedral today (13 July) at 4:30 pm for funeral service. Please pray for...
Musical Symphony – En Christos on October 11, 2019

Pleased to inform you that our Cathedral is organizing Musical Symphony – En Christos on October 11, 2019 which will be directed by Rev. Fr. John Samuel. Cathedral Members, age 10 and above, willing to participate, are requested to submit the application form for Voice Test on or before August...
Kathirippu Dhyanam – 3rd, 4th and 6th June 2019 – 7 PM Onwards
Dear all, Kathirippu Dhyanam Organised by St.Paul’s Suvisesha Sangham will be held on 3rd, 4th & 6th June 2019 from 7 PM Onwards. Regards. MC 2019