A One day Conference was organized as the part of Golden JubileeCelebrations on Friday 6th February 2009 frpm 11am to 4pm at Cathedral.
H.G. Dr. Gabriel Mar Gregorios, Metropolitan of Thiruvanathapuram Diocese lead the Conference. The theme of the conference was InformationTechnology and Christian Witness .
Cathedral Vicar Rev. Fr. MathewThannimoottil, Cathedral Trustee Mr. Sajan Vargheese Cathedral Secretary,
Mr. M.T. Monachan, Golden Jubilee Committee General Convener, Mr. George Philip spoke on the occasion.
The Vicar and members from the Bahrain Marthoma Parish, St. Pauls Marthoma Parish, The Bahrain CSI Parish, St. Peters Jacobite Church & Kerala Catholic Association were participated in conference apart from our Cathedral members.

One day conference Inauguration