H.G.Yuhanon Mar Policarpos Metropolitan
His Grace was born on 30th March 1955 as the son of Mr.P.V.Zachariah and Mrs.Annamma Zachariah of Panniyankara Parakunnil family in Vadakkanchery, Palakkad. His Grace is a member of Mar.Gregorios Church, Thenidukku. His Grace had his schooling in AbhayakkadChami Iyer High School, and graduated from S.N.College Alathoor. His Grace took his Masters degree in Sociology from the University of Kerala. His Grace learned Syriac from Very Rev.Thomas Ramban during the period 1973 – 1974. His Grace passed G.S.T in 1978 and B D in 1979 from the Orthodox Theological Seminary. His Grace ordained sub-deacon on 25th March 1977, deacon on 8th December and priest on 7thJanuary 1980. His Grace was ordained as Ramban by his Holiness Baselius Marthoma Didimus Catholicos. His Grace received a diploma in 1990 from Geneeva.
His Grace served the church in several capacities – Sunday School Director; Cochin Diocese, Koratty Sion Seminary Manager, Parumala Seminary Manager, C.M.I Kerala Region Chaplain,Vettikal Health centre Director, Thalakkod St.Mary’s Boy’s Home Director & Board Member, Kolenchery Medical College Chaplain and Governing Body Member, Founder and Principal of Baselius Vidya Nikethan till 2006.He is serving the Ankamaly Diocese as its Metropolitan.
Address: Thrikkunnathu Seminary PB NO.61, Aluva-683101.
ph: 0484 2622339 Mob: 94474 75544
email: marpolicarpos@yahoo.com