H. G. Alexios mar Eusebius Metropolitan
His Grace Alexios Mar Eusebius formerly Very Rev. Alexanthrayose Ramban (Rev. Fr. Alex Daniel) is a member of St. George Orthodox Church, Puthoor of Kollam Diocese. Thirumeni hails from Vattakkattu family, Puthoor. Thirumeni is the fourth son of Late. Y. Daniel and Smt.Chinnamma Daniel. The late Fr. V.J. Jacob, Vattakkattu is his paternal uncle. His Grace’s educational achievements are listed below:
•B.Sc from Kerala University •LL.B from Bangalore University •GST from Orthodox Theological Seminary Kottayam •Bacehlor of Divinity Serampore University •M.Th from St. Peter’s Pontifical Institute of Theology, Bangalore •Diploma in Biblical Geography from Tantur Ecumenical Institute, Jerusalem •Research Study in Old Testament from Federich Alexander University Germany •Pursuing Doctoral Research in O. T from St. Peter’s Pontifical Institute of Theology, Bangalore.
In 1995, H. H Baselious Mathews II ordained him to the priesthood. Along with serving priestly duties in various parishes in Bangalore, Germany and the Calcutta diocese, His Grace has served in many key positions:
•Appointed as the faculty of Old Testament in St. Thomas Orthodox Theological Seminary, Nagpur. Warden, Director of Fieldwork, Bursar •Director of OVBS •Treasurer of School for Mentally Challenged Children, Nagpur •Treasurer, the Orthodox Sunday School Association of the East (Out Side Kerala Region) •Director of Akhila Malankara Orthodox Shushrushaka Sangam (Out Side Kerala Region) •Advocate in the High Court of Kerala in the year 1994 •Practiced as a Civil Lawyer in the District Court, Kollam •Handled the regular columns in the Malankara Sabha, Sahayatra, Parish Mission Literatures of the Nagpur Seminary and in the Souvenirs and Magazines of various Churches. •Published a book in Malayalam named “Vachanathejas”, a compilation of Sunday Sermons for a complete year. His Grace has served and represented the Church in other ways by participating in many conferences of SATHRI and ECC, Bangalore, VIth annual conference of CMAI, Schillong (2006), the Curriculum Revision Committee of Serampore University (2006), five-day conference for the youths of Orthodox – Lutheran Churches held at Greiswald, Germany (2005), works of NCCI and India Peace Center, Nagpur.
Address: 3101 Hopkins Rd Beasley, TX 77417, USA
Ph: 281 403 0670/4094270, India: 8547058607
Email: mareusebius@gmail.com, dswadiocesanoffice@gmail.com