Akhila Malankara Orthodox Shusrushaka Sangam (AMOSS)

Akhila Malankara Orthodox Shusrushaka Sangham (AMOSS) is a spiritual organization of the Malankara Orthodox Church working to give instructions to the altar boys (Acolytes) of all parishes in the Indian Orthodox Church to make uniformity in the worship of the church and to serve systematically. It also aims to mould people who have God’s grace and are dedicated to follow a spiritual and sacramental life.
At a Parish level, AMOSS units aim to train attendants to practice the Holy Church’s traditions, rituals and service without any alteration, and to perform it timely with all its meaning and value, and to ordain and make them members of the church’s serving community.
Activities under AMOSS are: –
1. Periodical training programs at the diocese, zonal and parish levels.
2. Annual conferences aiming in the upliftment and encouragement of youngsters as the altar boys.
AMOSS unit in our parish meets on every Thursdays after Evening Prayer.
AMOSS Executive Committee Members

Rev. Fr. Jacob Thomas
(Mob: 39445358)
Vicar & President

Rev. Fr. Thomaskutty P N
(Mob: 39584020)
Asst. Vicar & Vice President

Mr. I. Thomas
(Mob: 39171140)
Reesh (Leader)

Mr. Binu Varughese
(Mob: 39901036)

Mr. Sunil M.C
(Mob: 39629079)